Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy 6th Birthday Matthew

Novemeber is a busy birthday month for our family. Aiden is the 7th, Matthew's the 24th, mine the 25th, and my mom's the 27th.
Happy sixth birthday today to Matthew. He was so excited today to be turning six. He helped me yesterday bake cupcakes to take to his class today. We made 30 cupcakes each with a frog and grass decorations.
Matthew is a sweet little boy. He loves his brothers and loves being in charge of them. He has his moments where he thinks he is 16 and talks back and gets sassy... But its part of him learning his independence and growing up. WE LOVE YOU and hope you have a great birthday!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Wow, that is a lot of birthdays. Happy Birthday to you all. Do you celebrate your birthdays together at Thanksgiving?