Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Birthday ZACHARY

I can't believe that Zach is already four. Time has gone by so fast, and it's been so much fun watching him grow up. I am truely blessed to be the mother of this amazing, wild, and crazy boy. He tries my patience every day, but at night when I tuck him into bed and he looks up at me with his big blue eyes and tells me how much he loves me, all my frustrations for the days events, can't compare to how much I love him. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET ZACHY!


Melissa said...

I was so excited to hear from you. I've thought about you often as well and wondered how you are. I am definitely going to email and call you. Your boys are so handsome. I can't wait to catch up.

Alison said...

How is he four already? All I know is that you're too young to be anyone's mother.

Maria said...

Hi Jenny! I love your blog - your boys have some pretty funny things to say.... I can't wait to see you guys.