Monday, September 8, 2008

Aiden 10 Months Strong

I feel like I don't post much about Aiden so I wanted to have a seperate post just for him. Yesterday he was 10 months old. The kid is a "chunk" as he is called by his brothers and dad. He is wearing size 18 month clothes, and a size 4 diaper. I just recently weighed him and he was almost 24 pounds. Zachary, who is 4, only weighs 35 pounds. He is a delightful baby, cries only when he is being ignored, hungry, or tired. He has started to stand up next to furniture and walks along the sides. He does the "army crawl", and moves around like a speed racer.
This was a Halloween costume that both Matt, and Zach wore. So, I thought well Aiden should wear for his first Halloween. It's a 12 month size costume, and when we put it on him, this is what he looked like.. Capris.

This is what we call his "ugly face". I love it!


Sylvia said...

Aiden is so cute! I can't believe he is already 10 months old. I don't think I have ever seen him in person yet. It's fun to see how much he looks like his cousins.

Kristi H. said...

He is SOO cute. I LOVE the "ugly face" haha. Ok and yes, he is definitely bigger than my 15 month old. Isaac is still in 12 months clothes and most of them are big on him! Let's start the betting on when Aiden will pass up his 2 big brothers ;)

Danny and Michelle Zamora Family said...

he is sooo cute. I would seriously take him home. They grow so fast!

Melissa said...

I love chunky babies. My kids all get really big and then thin out. My youngest is just about 6mo, I'm not sure how much he weighs but he can fit into Jack's 18mo shirts as well.