Saturday, September 12, 2009


In his short little life so far Aiden has been a boy of few words. He has learned to communicate with hand pointing, and "Uh, Uh, Uh" sounds. Right now he says, "Ma, Da, Bye Bye, and Uh oh." Last week he learned a new word "huh-uh" (no) and that is all he wants to say. He seems to understand when I ask him a question, and gives me the smart answer, "huh-uh," for everything he doesn't want to do. He is growing up so fast and makes me feel sad that my baby will be two in November. Time seems to go by a lot faster when you are "older" and not wanting time to go by so quick. The days of being young, and WANTING to get older seemed to take FOREVER. Aiden has definitely been my most curious boy, and is determined to do everything his older brothers do. If they are working on homework, he sitting right next them, pencil in hand, writing on their papers. He's fearless, but such a mommy's boy!


David Fife said...

Your family has so much fun, it makes me jealous! I can't believe the boys will all be 2 in a matter of a few weeks! (though I don't mind the time going by fast with the twins) Your boys are adorable as always, and hope they are enjoying school!


Danny and Michelle Zamora Family said...

so cute. He has grown up so much in the past little while. That is such a precious memorie.

Jenni said...

You are so right. The older I get the faster time flies. And my nine year old is all kinds of excited to need a bra! (which she clearly doesn't need yet) I am SO not ready for all that. Speaking of time flying, didn't you just have that boy?! He IS getting big, but he is super cute.