Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Cowboy and Dragon Slayer

If you know Zach, you know he is ALL BOY. No doubt, 100% dirty boy. He loves anything that is dirty, slimy, and has to do with animals. For the last 2 years he has been obsessed with horses. We live out near some horse ranches and practically everyday we have to drive past the horses and stop. In fact, he has named them. So for his 4th birthday I decided to get him some cowboy boots. He has been wearing them around the house riding his horse and wears them when we go out somewhere. There is just something so cute to me about a little boy wearing cowboy boots and shorts. We were driving in the car a few weeks ago and he asked me where do dragons live? I first told him that dragons weren't real, but he kept saying but where do they live? Finally after going round and round with him about dragons not being real, I finally told him they lived at Dragon Mountain, and pointed at the nearest mountain. So now he has become obsessed with dragons. My dad even told him that dragons only come out at night and fly around looking for food. I found him "dragon slayer" armor to help protect him when the dragons come out at night. As sad as I am that I will never have a girl, BOYS can sure be fun!


Melissa said...

I love litte boys in cowboy boots as well. Boys are definetly fun and a lot more work.

Danny and Michelle Zamora Family said...

I agree, boy are more colorful at times. What a great memory this will be someday.

Danny and Michelle Zamora Family said...

ps I love the new back ground!

JenWood said...

Thanks! It was so boring before and honestly I did not know how to change it. Found this website that lets you download free backgrounds.. The link is at the top of my blog..

Alison said...

As I was reading this post, I couldn't help but remember the short "cowboy boots" phase you went through! Remember that? That must have been 10th grade or so!
Anyway-Zach is so cute! I can't wait for Jack to get older and do boy stuff.

JenWood said...

Don't remind me Alison... Actually I bought the boots, and then I think I was too embarrassed to ever wear them out. I think I wore them to seminary one morning, and then changed before I got to school. Somehow the cowboy boots didn't go well with my "skater" image.

Maria said...

I guess my girls can dress up as princesses, and your boys can rescue them! Them we can both get "the best of both worlds!" (Yes, I have been watching way too much Hannah Montana lately...)

Laundry said...

He sounds a ton like my little brother chase. He used to have a pair of red and black cowboy boots that he litterally wore everyday for at least two years (even when they were to small he still had to wear them.haha)

cute boys by the way!!