Friday, March 20, 2009

Family Update

I haven't posted in a while because I have been so busy. Right after Presidents day weekend, Jared tore his Achilles tendon at working playing basketball. He had to have surgery two days after, and has been in a cast since the 20th of February. And to make the traumatic incident worse, Jared's dad passed away the same day of his surgery. He has been sick for several months, and finally died of a massive infection in his body that started from his lungs.
Jared is now on light duty at work, and is on a 40 hour work week. Thank goodness for his mom Carma, who has stepped up and is helping to watch the kids three days a week so I can continue to work. Matthew started baseball again last week, the boys are in swim lessons, and I just finished taking another online Math class. Needless to say, I am not complaining, but I am finding that I don't have a lot of extra spare time to spend on the computer. I do still try to read everyones blog.. so keep on blogging!


Laundry said...

yay for blogging! haha. and Yay for my aunt carma!!! I must give her some props!

Jared...I'm sorry you hurt your foot, (though it was while playing basketball, and basketball is freakin SAWEEET!!!) and I'm sorry your dad died. That must've been hard. But I am glad that you are still capable of working....

Alison said...

Sorry to hear about all the rotten stuff lately-
Jared, I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Hopefully you recover quickly.

Danny and Michelle Zamora Family said...

Sounds like things have been totally crazy around your house. I hope your hubby is feeling better soon and I am sorry about your loss.

Sara Bingham said...

I love your hair in your family pics. I think that's the darkest I've seen it! And OMG I did not even recognize Ryan's kids. His girls are so beautiful, and the boys look so much older then I remember! Crazy how everyone around you seems to get older, but you always feel the same age......right? Miss you!