Monday, April 6, 2009

The things they say... Part II

One of my first blog postings was on some of the funny things the boys have said lately. Everyday they crack me up with something they say that is so random or just out there. I try to write them down, but figure maybe I should blog them too.

Matt and I went to Chicago over the weekend (will post that later) Matt was talking to my friend Natalie and was telling her a story. After the story was over, she told him how smart he was, and he said, " I know I am smart, I have the best remembery."

Matt and Zach are really into playing "mommy and daddy" with their toys. They will get cars, or animals and sit at the table and play. Today they were playing "Jared and honey" (mommy and daddy) Here is how the conversation went. They were playing with a snake and lizard.

Zach: "Jared, come over here, I miss you"
Matt: "Honey, I am coming, I am walking slow because I have a baby in my tummy"

Me: "Matt, how did your honey get a baby in her tummy?"
Matt: " Duh, mom. She went to a wedding, and that is how you get babies in your tummy."

Oh, if they only knew!


Danny and Michelle Zamora Family said...

so cute! Don't you just love the things they come up with. My kids play mom and dad too...and also cat and's pretty funny to watch them.

Maria said...

I love the "Jared and Honey" game! So cute.

Fife Fam said...

That is funny!

Hope you guys are doing okay! Oh, and I left an envelope with mom with the Hatch dues!