Saturday, September 12, 2009


In his short little life so far Aiden has been a boy of few words. He has learned to communicate with hand pointing, and "Uh, Uh, Uh" sounds. Right now he says, "Ma, Da, Bye Bye, and Uh oh." Last week he learned a new word "huh-uh" (no) and that is all he wants to say. He seems to understand when I ask him a question, and gives me the smart answer, "huh-uh," for everything he doesn't want to do. He is growing up so fast and makes me feel sad that my baby will be two in November. Time seems to go by a lot faster when you are "older" and not wanting time to go by so quick. The days of being young, and WANTING to get older seemed to take FOREVER. Aiden has definitely been my most curious boy, and is determined to do everything his older brothers do. If they are working on homework, he sitting right next them, pencil in hand, writing on their papers. He's fearless, but such a mommy's boy!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Labor Day- Pine Valley

Over the Labor day holiday weekend, our family, my parents, all three brothers, and a cousin went camping at Pine Valley. It was a really nice get away. We used to camp at Pine Valley when I was a little girl, and haven't been back since. It was fun to re-explore from my childhood. Plus, it's so close to Vegas, only takes about 2 1/2 hours to get there. The youngest kids; Matt, Zach and Jenna, played on this rock all weekend. They called it Coyote Rock and would sit and all howl all day.
We took some of the boys cousins and went "Geo-caching". Geo-caching is where you use a GPS to find a "hidden" treasure. They are located all over the world. We found two caches around the campsite.
My little MONKEY Man

Zach showing off his Acorn collection

Jared and Zach picking "acorns"

All the cousins and my little brother Jared, and his friend Hillary.

Update- First day of school

I have been terrible keeping up on the blog this summer. My new goal is to blog once a week. I don't know if anyone follows the blog anymore but figure its a good way for me to keep a "journal" of what is going in our lives.
Matt and Zach both started school a few weeks ago. I just downloaded the pictures from my camera today. ( I notice I blog more when I have recent photos). Matt started first grade and has Mrs. Lopez for his teacher. He has had a rough first two weeks of school, he gets sad during the day or in the morning and crys. He says it's because he misses his family. I have sent three pictures of the family to school with him to keep in his desk. When he is feeling sad, he can get them out and look at them. Zachary started kindergarten and is LOVING it. He has Mrs. Combado and goes to ALL day kindergarten. His best friend, Dominic, is in the class with him. I am sure they are wild together, but thankfully, he has brought home a "good behavior" card everyday. I am sure they will have their mischievous moments when it's not so new.
Aiden is keeping busy as the family "tornado." He loves to make messes, more messes, and lots of messes. I clean up after him ALL day long. He loves to brush his teeth and is known to walk around the house with a toothbrush and toothpaste. His favorite thing is being a "baseball" player. He finds the glove, Matt's shoes, Matt's hat, and balls and walks around the house looking for someone to throw the ball to him. He is definitely Jared's boy. He looks like Jared and is built just like him. He will be our linebacker for sure!