Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I am blessed to be married to a wonderful guy who is a wonderful DAD. He truly loves his boys, and they ADORE him. He has been on a fishing trip the last three days, and the boys are sick of me and can't wait for him to get home. All day they have been asking what time will he be home... Thanks for being a great dad, we love you!

I am also blessed to be the daughter of a wonderful father. This was Aiden's blessing day, and grandpa Doug blessed him. My dad and I had a rocky relationship growing up, but now that I am older and wiser, we have developed a great relationship. We work together, and its been great seeing a different side of my dad. Thank you for being a great example and grandpa to my boys and for being a wonderful dad.


David Fife said...

Jared is a great dad I guess.... but a great brother.... not so sure about!!! Just kidding. Happy Father's Day Jared!!! Jen, how is the Costso formula working out for you?


Michael said...

Isn't it funny how the older we get, the smarter our parents seem to get?

Alison said...

Aiden is so cute-I love those squishy cheeks!

Melissa said...

I hope you had a wonderful fathers day. We always can't wait for Josh to come home either when he's out of town.