Saturday, September 20, 2008


My grandfather Maynard M Dye passed away last night. He had a long battle with prostate cancer which spread to his spine and other bones. He was 84 years old. He was a wonderful man who lived a long life and was blessed with 4 amazing sons, 16 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren. He and my grandmother were married for 63 years!! My grandma had several stokes over the last 8 years, and he took amazing care of her, never wanting her to end up in a nursing home. I think held on for so long because he was so worried about her and didn't want her to be alone. Last night, as he lay in the hospice bed, she was at his side and took his hands and told him it was okay to die. She told him that she would be well taken care of by her sons, (and daughter in-laws) and that she loved him. He passed away about an hour later. He was a great example of a giver to take such good care of her. He will be greatly missed.


Reid and Laura said...

Sorry to hear about your grandfather. Give my love to your dad and family.

Sara Bingham said...

We're sorry for your loss. I hope your dad's doing ok.

Fife Fam said...

I sorry about your family's loss. I know this has been hard on you all. Please give my best to your dad.

Everitt's said...

What a sad time for your family. Know my thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. Love you all lots.

Maria said...

Hi Jen,
I'm so sorry to hear about Grandpa Dye. I hope you are doing ok. It's been a hard year for you to lose two grandparents. Our lesson in Sunday School today was about the ressurection and what happens when you die. I kept thinking about Grandpa Dye during the whole lesson. We were reading Alma 39-42It brought me a lot of peace thinking about him and Grandma Pearson. To picture their spirits leaving behind their worn out bodies and entering into Paradise. To imagine them reuniting with those they love who have died before them. Just as we mourn their passing, there are so many who are celebrating their completion of this mortal test. "And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow."
I love you and I'm so glad that you are my cousin!

Nadine said...

I am sorry to hear about your grandfather. He sounds like he was a great man.

Melissa said...

Sorry about your grandpa. We celebrated my grandpa's 85th birthday on friday and even though I know he's lived a good long life I hate to think of him not being around. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Michael said...


What can I say more than what has already been said. Grandpa Dye loved all you guys so much. Whenever I saw him, he always got a twinkle in his eye when he talked about his grandchildren (and great-grandchildren). Family is one of the few things that we can take with us after we leave this mortal state. That is the beauty of the plan of salvation. He lived great, and he died great. He has been "taken home to that God who gave [him] life" (Alma 40:11).

We love you guys and hope that all of you are okay during this time of heart ache and pain. If you need anything, you can always call me.

Danny and Michelle Zamora Family said...

I am sorry for your loss. Thankfully he lived a long and amazing life. What many wonderful thing and change he must have seen in his lifetime. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family....esp your grandmother.

Laundry said...

Sorry about the loss... he's probably tons happier on the other side though. Sounds like he lived a very good life. Wish you the best.

Amanda XOX said...

He lived an amazing life and his funeral was so great! I was so impressed with his great care and compassion for your grandma. What an amazing pair! We can all learn from the way he lived his life in the service to those whom he loved so dearly. What a wonderful man!!